To be sung to the tune called "Ashgrove" / "Let all things now living"
Oh móther, please_don't do this! I bég you not_to do this!
Trust mé, I will cherish and lóve you through life.
You máy be afraid now, with nó one to aid you,
But knów I will tend and befriénd you for life.
My lóve will surround you, my swéetness astound you,
My béating heart warm you through áll of your days.
Please ŕun from this bad place, and séek for a glad space
Where yóu and I can, then, exchánge loving gaze.
Dear móther, please_don't do this! I bég you not_to do this!
Don't lét these cruel doctors tear_my bódy apart.
Though yóu are downhearted, take cóurage_be stouthearted,
And shów that deep_inside you've a wárm, loving heart.
Don't_allów them to kill me! I'm_alíve! Don't let them kill me!
You knów I'm your child, of your lífe I'm now part.
Run fár from this evil, from thóse who, like devils
Take_the líves of poor, small, loving bábies like me.
My móther, please_don't do this! I bég you not_to do this!
Don't stép in the door of this múrderous place.
This ís a place_of dying, of wéeping and crying;
Do nót let me die here, unmóurned and alone.
Unbúried, uncared for—is this whát I was made for?
I lóng to be loved by you, mý mother dear.
Dear móther, don't do this; I_implóre you do_not do this.
Don't lét my life_be taken—I ám your sweet child.
Anonymous, 2010
©2010 Unborn Child Association.
This song is primarily intended to be sung to women planning to abort their baby, and at places where the lives of babies are in danger.